Saturday, October 13, 2007

PTR Launched, Major Announcements For 2.3

First and foremost, Kalgan has announced two major upcoming changes to 2.3.

One is the reduction of Minimum Range, i.e. the removal of the Dead Zone. 5/5.

The other is the addition of a Healing Reduction effect to Aimed Shot, and other revamps to this ability.

There is also one UNCONFIRMED change for Hunters that gives us a new Disarming Shot that does exactly what it sais.

None of these are currently active on the PTR, which, by the way, went up recently.

Day one on the PTR as a Hunter: BG servers are/were down, so I only got to duel, but dispelling things like Clearcasting is great.

There is currently a bug with dispelling Damageshields (Ice Barrier, Mana Shield, PWS) where, if the ability doesn't do enough damage to break the shield, it dispels after damage is calculated, but if it does enough to burst the damageshield, it
dispels it first.

The scaling Stings and Traps is decent, a bit better than mediocre. I think a 20-25% coefficient (at LEAST) would put these abilities on-par with, at least, Corruption or CoA.

No other major changes have gone live on the PTR yet, but I am, soon, going to be experimenting with pet leveling by leveling an EPL Boar and seeing how long it takes to bring it to level 70.

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